Modified and comprehensive evaluations are generally requested in order to better understand why a child may be having difficulty meeting age-appropriate demands. Our skilled professionals are able to design a comprehensive evaluation that pinpoints a child's strengths and weaknesses. Based on the results of the evaluation, we can then suggest interventions and instructional approaches for both home and school that are research-based, easy to implement, and effective.
Modified and comprehensive evaluations typically include a parent intake, correspondence with the child's educational team, individual testing sessions, a feedback conference, and a written report with summary of our findings. Word of Mouth offers modified and evaluations in the following disciplines:
An evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of a child's ability in one or more developmental domains. Evaluations are conducted by experienced professionals from our Word of Mouth team. Families typically incur the cost of the evaluation, which may be covered under their insurance plans.
A screening is a shortened version of a longer, more conclusive test. Screenings are given only to identify if a child needs further evaluation. If a child scores in the low-average or below-average range on a screening measure, additional testing will typically be recommended before treatment is initiated. Screenings can provide general information about both speech and language, including the following:
Word of Mouth Clinical Associates specializes in the following therapeutic services:
Speech Language Therapy
Eppert Occupational Therapy
FIE Cognitive Therapy
Language-Based Tutoring
Interactive Metronome
Group Therapy
Myofunctional Therapy
​Please read below for more information on each service!
Not all children will require therapy, but, if needed, intervention is a proven tool that effectively facilitates the development of delayed skills. Our team consists of caring and devoted therapists who are committed to providing families with high-quality speech, language, and occupational therapy services.
Summer Programs
Summer Handwriting Camp - If you have concerns about your child's handwriting, our camps are a great way to practice skills or to learn new skills before returning to school in the fall. The Printing Group is recommended for kindergarteners and first graders, and the Cursive Group is recommended for third and fourth graders. All groups are held at our offices and focus on improving handwriting and fine motor skills using a multi-sensory approach in a fun small-group setting.
Interactive Metronome Summer Program - Interactive Metronome® is a multisensory program that combines sound therapy, movement and visual stimuli to improve function of a child's nervous system through repetitive practice. It has been used successfully to improve attention, concentration, motor planning/sequencing and processing speed in children with ADHD, language disorders and many other diagnoses. Hourly summer sessions are conducted individually, four or five days a week, for five to seven weeks to complete the required number of repetitions to finish the program (20 to 22 hours total).
Fall Screenings
Clinicians conduct individual speech-language and occupational therapy screenings at your school. The screenings will provide a general overview of a child's articulation, language, and motor development. Screenings are effective tools in determining which children may benefit from a full evaluation. We will provide the school with a parent communication letter and permission slip for school-wide distribution. After the screenings have been completed, parents and teachers will receive a screening summary with recommendations. Parents pay a fee for each screening.
Free Spring Screenings
Children ages 3-7 can receive free speech-language and occupational therapy screenings at our offices on a designated day each spring. Results may be sent to your child's pediatrician upon request. Screenings are offered by appointment only on a first-come, first-served basis.
Preschool Consultations
Year-round screenings at teacher's request
Classroom observations with activity ideas
Child observations with recommendations
Weekly or monthly activity group led by a therapist
Parent talks on selected topics
Teacher In-Services
In-services range from one to three hours and can include information on various topics as needed by your program.
Word of Mouth provides academic support to elementary, middle, and high school students. Our approach goes far beyond basic tutoring; in addition to addressing curriculum content, our clinicians use research-based and metacognitive strategies to help children become experts in their individual learning styles and the tools that assist them in achieving academic success.
Language-Based Tutoring
Beyond the primary grades, increasing curricular demands present significant challenges for children with language-based learning issues. In addition to mastering content, children must also develop effective organizational and study strategies that will better equip them to be successful learners.
Language-based tutoring approaches can be applied to all core subjects, including math, science, English, and social studies. Frequent collaboration with teachers allows for communication of best practices and instructional approaches, thereby increasing the quality and continuity of instruction.
While individual treatment plans are generated based on a child's unique learning profile, the following skills are often highlighted throughout tutoring sessions:
Standardized Test Preparation
Word of Mouth provides standardized test preparation for students taking the ISEE. Instruction is available throughout the year in both individual and group formats. Students receive specific strategy instruction for different subtests as well as general test-taking tips. During each session, students have multiple opportunities for practice and application of skills.
• A computer (a tablet also can work but has some limitations).
• You will need internet access to connect live with your child’s therapist.
• Younger children may need crayons, scissors or printed-emailed materials. Your therapist will let you know.
• A quick trip to the restroom before your child’s session begins is always a good idea!
Your child is doing therapy at home, while the therapist will be working from the clinic or home. Especially with younger children (ages 3-8), an adult will need to be the child during the session. Parents tell us that they like the opportunity to learn strategies from the therapist to support their child’s practice throughout the week. Younger children will need to be seated in a comfortable place including at a child’s table, or seated in an adult’s lap. This will assist the child to focus
• Contact our office manager for scheduling. (Jon- will you make it connect directly to her email when somebody clicks on it)
• Younger children will need to be seated in a comfortable place such as at a child’s table, or seated in an adult’s lap. This will assist the child to focus on their therapist without the temptation to move about. Older children, including middle and high-schoolers, should be seated at a table (versus a sofa or other seating without a table for the computer).
• If possible, try to locate yourselves in a quiet place, away from other people, pets, and the television.
• Join the “appointment room” link from your email confirmation and the session will begin. That’s it!